So what, or should I say who, is my summer persona?
Persona #1: The Chaperone
I spent the first four days of my summer vacation on the Washington D.C. trip with the 8th grade class. Here I am standing next to Eleanor Roosevelt at the beautiful FDR memorial. You can see the look of sheer exhaustion in my face...the dark circles, the pale cheeks, the tired eyes, the forced smile. That is how I felt the entire trip. Chaperoning 44 8th graders in a foreign city is like hoarding confused, helpless cattle. I mean that in the most loving way. I've never felt more like a mother in my life, and the stress and pressure of taking care of these students left me reduced to an anxiety ridden mess. I barely enjoyed the sights (luckily, I have been to D.C. three times!) I was so bombarded with sensory overload. Watching and interacting with the students outside of the classroom was amazing though and I wouldn't trade that for anything.
Above, this particular student and I talked about Eminem's new album for about 35 minutes while on our Mount Vernon tour.
These are the other chaperones, equally exhausted, on our last day outside of Mount Vernon, enjoying the beauty and counting down the hours to the flight home.
Jessica and I abandoned our mature adult teacher selves to become incredibly ridiculous 13 year old versions of ourselves. We commemorated our friendship by buying button rings at the American History museum. By the end of the trip, Jess and I were acting so goofy and giggly, students began giving us weird looks. One student said to us, "Um, I think you guys need to get some sleep."
Persona #2: The Supervisor

2011 Supervisors Anne, Maddie, Kaitlyn
Persona #3: Blonde
This truly is a different persona. What's different about being a blonde? Everyone notices. Everyone comments. Everyone has an opinion. Most people have a positive one.
I feel indifferent. Some days I love being so blonde, some days I feel cheap and teenagerish. Either way, it was a needed change, and it's great for summer.
Persona #4: Birthday Princess
Just kidding about the princess thing. Hopefully, anyone who knows me knows how much I hate when girls go out to the bars in princess crowns.
But, I did celebrate my 24th birthday. Jackie, Kelsey and Jenna came out to River Falls with me to celebrate in ultimate affordable and quaint style, ending the night at my favorite tacky college dance bar. I felt loved and special, just like someone should on their birthday. I do not feel any anxiety about being 24, but we will see how things go next year when I am officially in my mid-twenties.
Persona #5: Normal Twenty-Something-Year-Old
I feel like I can actually do things my other friends are, gasp!...go out on a Saturday night without feeling tired by 10:oo PM? Jackie and I have actually gotten to hang out, rather than just simply cohabit our townhouse together. We celebrated RF days together, and just recently got use of our cute patio and grill. Monday night we grilled burgers and potatoes. As we sipped our frozen margaritas in the hot 90 degree sunset, we talked about how, in February, we had hoped we would be here, doing this.
Persona #6: Sewing Machine Queen
See that sewing machine in the far left corner of the last picture? That would be my Project Runway Limited Edition Brother sewing machine my mother so graciously gifted me for my birthday. This was the first project I sewed, only mine was in black, with glass buttons for the center:
My next goal? A vintage patterned A-line skirt... for teaching, of course!
So those are my personas. While I feel like I really haven't done a whole lot yet and the summer is halfway over, after writing this, I realize I have and I am really happy about what I have accomplished. I like living this "double life" in the summer, and turning my brain off from the stress and madness of the school year. Soon, not yet, but soon, I'm sure, I'll be completely refreshed and renewed and ready for my second year of teaching at a brand new school.
But I'm not quite there yet.
Signing off,
Persona #7: The Lazy Morning Blogger
1 comment:
It's no secret that being Lazy, blonde/tan/thin(ner), and a project runway wannabe are all great in the summer. Brings down the stress level. What about Yoga? You didn't mention your new found love.
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